October 04, 2008

Ghosts and Smoking Addiction - Possession!

This is an interesting connecting this worlds problems with interfering entities from the other side of. Literally the other side - life after death.

Discerning The Ghosts 'In Hiding' Vs 'Manifested' In People | Spiritual Research

The most dangerous aspect of demonic possession

At the point of full manifestation during a spiritual healing session, the ghost is generally at its weakest.

The real danger is when the ghost controls a person through stealth, with the person unaware of the possession. The ghost makes the person it possesses act according to its will. Even though a person is possessed, there is generally nothing dramatic or deviant in the behaviour of the person.

Addictions are just one example of insidious possession. Society thinks of addiction to cigarettes or alcohol as a psychological affliction, when actually it is a case of possession. At times, a person may show serious aberrations in behaviour due to the controlling ghost. Ghosts can make a person do things that are completely contrary to their personality, for example a conservative woman by nature behaving in a promiscuous manner.

For more information please click the one of the above links.


Lets be frank. What is the one thing that is required before anyone can quit smoking or for all things that one is addicted to and needs to quit the addiction.

The answer is within everyones grasp - it is not something that needs to be ingested or injected or patched or xrayed etc. It is simple, more that a thought away. It is something that everyone has and probably for most who are addicted to something is hidden away within the dungeons of ones mind. Our lifes are riddled with gifts waiting to surface at a moments calling. These gifts are within us just a thought away.

You see when we live our lives we first have to create everthing - yes everything - first in the minds eye then we unceremoniuosly without a thought of conciousness live that which we have created first in our minds. Addiction is not something that is thrust upon us - it is our doing. It is your doing and you alone who has carried it all your life have nutured it - fed it and craved its existence. It is all out doing.

Harsh thoughts for a world that is already dazzled with mutlitude of lifes harsh paths. Once again we have created that which we have basically dreamed of - whether conciously or not. We have asled for the circumstances without realizing that they appear in our lifes and we simply live that which we have dreamed.

Without going into too much psycho babble I would just like to say this simple thing: What we have created we can uncreate or simply change it's path.
The title says determination - if one lacks the determination to change then forget all the patches, the needles, the pills, and the word that makes me sick like - "try" words. Determination is the first step to letting go of the affair you've created. Let go and your day will change - I promise. Learn to let go and be determined in you mind - simply let go.

The rest is history. These simply steps are the beginning to the end of the old way of you.

That's all for this post after a long time away doing other work.
Thank you for readiny my post.
Bless You.

June 21, 2008

Changes you will feel after quiting

Here's some of the changes you will feel immediately withing the first few weeks of stopping smoking.

You blood pressure will adjust itself and return toward normal.

You nicotine and carbon monoxide levels will drop to 50% after a day and disappear several weeks later.  Your body will starts its own journey of cleansing your system. 

Oxygen levels in you body will return to normal after 8 hours.

The first few days will see you go through the withdrawal phase. This is nothing more than your body telling you that all is as should be and I am just cleaning and making a lot of sound.  It will not all be cumfortable so perservere and put up with the shit that comes with it. Hey, you've started it! So says the body in its own body language. :)

Your body talks to you in symptoms.  So, just listen to it and let it do its job.  Don't stand in its way nor feed it with any more crap.

Your mind will tell you otherwise.  The mind is the culprit here. Your mind is so easy to trick and it brings itself down, "dragging" the body along with it to the pits of the earth.  Don't pay any attention to your mind in the first week at all. Tell it to get a sock in it.  You will have a constant dialog between yourself all throughout the time during this phase. Don't give into the mind.  Treating the body in kindness by looking after it in the best way possible will keep you in the right track.

After a week or two the world starts to open up to you because your body has regained the faculties of taste and smell that was clogged up for many years since you started smoking.

Your health improves and you're in a better mood and in self control.  Your self confidence jumps back in as well.

Few months later the breathing problems will have improved. You lungs will be better and cleaner but not out of the woods yet. More work required. It's not an overnight process. You've stuff crap into your body and that stuff takes a toll out of your body's functions. So, give it time. You will feel better.

To speed up even further regaining your health back then what you need is to change how you eat food. Food is important to us but like everything else we need to feed the right foods at the right levels of each nutrient to stay healthy and functional.

Food wise you should eat more fruits and vegetables. Almost 80% of your food intake should be fresh fruits and vegetables.  Limit processed foods only if you are unable to get the fresh stuff.

Limit your meat intake too.  As an adult we don't require a lot of protein from animal flesh - we can get them from non-meat products. Besides, cultivated animails contribute to the pollution factor on this planet and make global warming worse.

Don't worry, if you eat correctly you will not gain any weight.  You body will require more food to remove the rubbish that is in your system.  If you find that you are gaining many kilograms or pounds then you need to make sure your food intake has a good distribution of nutrients. Go here to read more about why your body is fat and how to loose it. Reasons behind Fat loss.

How to achieve a better life stopping smoking

Any life is better then a smokers life full stop. Ok, maybe not all life - but certainly health wise, a non-smoker is in a better condition to talk about this.  Right? Yes.

Life becomes more colorful and full of life when you remove the smoke from ones life.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the above statement.  Smoking dulls ones life, it introduces burden of frustration and misery to ones life.  It robs you of your light and creative faculties. It robs you of your wealth!

Trying to quit smoking can be a hard task for many.  Not many people will be ready to just quit yet.  Quiting first starts within ones mind. The mind is the faculty that controls out earthly behaviours.  The mind is a like the river that flows.  If you don't direct the river it will flow anywhere where the ground slopes. Control your inner river and you will control your habits - and in turn control your smoking addiction or whatever the addiction may be.

Introduce the notion of quiting to your mind today and make it the start of the end of your smoking career.

You see smoking is not only a health problem but, you as an individual,  subside companies to stay in business to create smoking products for you that are draining the vital energy from you - either through your money or through your health. Regardlesss of what you loose the end result is that the dreams that are part of your life are slowly taken away from you. When you consider in money terms that is a large sum of money and over a decade of smoking that is absolutely a ridiculous sum that just brings tears to my eyes. Smoking robs you of your life - fullstop!  Even after you stop smoking you are still paying the price.  The buck does not stop there.  It is now the established medical world that will start to suck you dry until you've become are living chemical junk box reduced to sub-human form - with every day dimishing light in your eyes.

Maybe not! Perhaps, I was too harsh here. Just maybe you'll decide to quit smoking before your life deteriates far enough for you to make a comeback and start a fresh.

My friend, you see there is "NEVER" a too late thing in Life.   Even a heavy smoker can come back into full health.  Most things in life can be repaired and turned back!

It all starts with you and the way you think. 

Pregnancy and Smoking and First Trimester Dangers by Shalene Chamings

Pregnancy and Smoking and First Trimester Dangers

Did you know that if women quit smoking when they were pregnant that infant deaths could be reduced by up to 10 percent? Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. The good news is that no can report that a woman who has smoked prior to her pregnancy is putting her baby at risk. However, smoking during pregnancy is very hazardous to an unborn baby.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester have been linked to 100,000+ miscarriages and 5,500+ infant deaths per year. Smoking also puts an expectant mother at risk for complications such as vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of the membranes, early delivery and more. Evidence is showing that a pregnant mother who smokes may have a baby who has a low birth weight. Low birth weight and being born too small is a major cause of infant illness and perinatal death.

If you are pregnant and a smoker you should know that the best time to quit is during the first trimester. Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. Here are some tips that will help you get started on breaking the smoking habit.

Find out what motivates you to smoke. Is it the stimulation? Maybe you do it to relax? Do you use smoking as a way to relieve tension and stress? Maybe you smoke simply out of habit? Are you even aware of when you light up a cigarette or do you find yourself smoking out of habit? If you are able to find out what motivates you to smoke you can find a substitute to replace the smoking.

Find something that will motivate you to quit smoking. This is very easy for a pregnant woman. Your motivation is to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Find a method that will help you to quit smoking. Talk with your OB/GYN and find a way that you can quit together. Many expectant mothers chose to quit smoking cold turkey. Others wean themselves off of cigarettes during the first trimester simply because smoking makes them feel ill.

If you like smoking because it keeps your hands busy, try to do something else with your hands. You can suck on a lollipop, play with a pencil, knit, play a musical instrument, paint your fingernails and more.

If you smoke for the oral gratification, find something to replace it. This can include chewing on gum, veggies, popcorn, or simply placing a toothpick in your mouth.

If you smoke because it stimulates you, why not walk instead? Walking can give you an energy boost and help clear your head when you are feeling tired.

If you simply smoke because it is a habit, try to develop a new habit to take its place. Every time you feel like smoking you can go brush your teeth or go to a certain area in your home to relax and listen to music. If you smoke in certain situations or when you eat or drink certain foods, avoid those situations, foods and drinks for a while.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are simply words that do not fit together. Not only do they sound strange on paper, but they are dangerous words to put together in life. Remember, if you can get past the first few days of withdrawal they will be worth it. Not only will your baby be healthier, but you will be healthier

June 03, 2008

What is a safe way to quit smoking during pregnancy?

Safe way to quit smoking during pregnancy.

My response to pregnant woman who insist on using patches or other gadgets to replace cigarettes during pregnancy.

Here is goes.

The best thing for everyone in your life is to start thinking healthy. That is the only way to quiting smoking. All these patches and gums, and other crap are not helping your body at all. They may assist you but they are not your friends for the long haul.

Start wising up and start treating the bodies we have like royalty. We as humans not only polute our planet but we also poison ourselves everyday with unhealthy foods, media, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, cigarette abuse and the list goes on and on.

Here's something simple you can do, it's not hard and it's cheaper than your packs of smokes would cost you.

Feed your husband with vitamin B supplements to keep him cool and tamed. :) I don't recommend you go on any vitamins, read below.

As for the 2 year old get someone to help you out - they are growing and hormones are playing a havoc in their lives and they don't know how to control it so they go into all sorts of weird and wonderful moods.

As for yourself,

  • feed well,

  • lots of fruits and vegs,

  • stay away from processed foods,

  • stay away from fast-food crap,

  • drink regular filtered water,

  • stay away from alcohol, tea, coffee, soda and the other crap they sell it in big stores.

  • Get lots of walking everyday to support your growing body and to assist you during labor.

  • Stay positive and

  • stay away from violent films and news

  • and stop reading the papers - atleast keep it to a minimu.

  • Avoid technology and radio signalled devices like mobile/cell phones while you're pregnant.

The bottom line is, if the whole family ate correctly you would not be wanting help - food has ingredients in that can either make us happy and full or unhappy and dreadful. Eating healthy, healing food will put you into a better happy mood and that in its own way will give you a much brighter outlook in life.

Smoking numbs the brain, damages the lungs and posions the body doing damage just like the frog that got boiled alive.

Sorry to respond harshly, but that is the reality of smoking and living unhealthy.

    June 02, 2008

    Reasons for smoking...

    The reasons for smoking are varied and many, but there is one common underlying factor that causes many people to start smoking and stay smoking and getting addicted in the process: weakness of the mind - a state one is in when smoking.

    When the mind is weak it is when you're less protective of yourself, you're vulnerable and need something to rejuvenate your defenses against an invisible enemy (your own mind).

    During our lifes our minds play an awful lot of games against ourselves.
    Loosing this game makes one end up smoking for a long, long time. Even now, if you're a smoker then you're still playing this illusive game of the lesson that repeats itself over and over.

    How does one win this game? The answers to this type of questions are simply - STOP PLAYING THE STUPID GAME!

    There you have it, you could have done better things with your life instead of spending all that money, time and not to mention your precious health in other things - like - enjoying your life without numbing yourself to the pains you carry between your shoulders. Most smokers have a problem that bothers them and smoking just helps them to shut the problem away for a while (long while).

    Smoker generally, would die rather than have to face their own little pains. So what do they do? They take all sorts of numbing substances to cut the pain out. But, in the process they damage a big part of their health.

    Time to quit now. Your efforts have led you here and your inner child wants a new start in life that it intended to have at the beginning.

    Are Nicotine Patches and Gum Addictive?

    In a way these other products are just replacing smoking in a different way by eliminating the habit component from smoking the actual cigarette.

    Some would say patches and gum don't have the same mental addiction.
    Patching the arm or chewing the gum doesn't have that same feeling one gets when smoking with your circle of friends or out in the street or somewhere where you feel you're out of place to calm or relax yourself.

    It's easier to quit with assistance since quiting using your mind is hard for most people because that is how they started initially smoking.

    Nicotine patches are meant to work and take you off cigarettes and hopefully let the habit go. But, they will not help you completely to quit the nicotine addiction on the spot or in a few days time. It is a gradual thing and the dosage is lessened with each patch. For a while you will still be craving for the cigs but the patches should help you with the craving until you get to a stage where the cravings have diminished to a level and then you decide to make up your mind to either totally quit for good or continue spending more money and heath staying addicted.

    Stying off smoking is more a psychological battle than anything else. Using your mind to quit is really the first thing you should start to do. Without mind control it will be just too difficult to quit for good and in no time you will be back to smoking and puffing those white devils.

    If you need to quit smoking with a third party help then try one of these:

    Ty this if Nicotine Patches and Gum don't work for you.

    Stop Smoking Hypnosis MP3 CDs here.

    May 19, 2008

    How hard it is to quit smoking? Here's what people had to say...

    Answers people gave to "how hard it is to quit smoking?"

    • It's a piece of cake...when you finally put your mind to it.
    • Try transcendental meditation
    • Hard as hell.
    • The first year is horrible
    • Its hard. Work your way up to it.
    • just because you quit smoking wont mean you live longer...
    • i quit cold turkey where as my husband has tried to quit three unsuccessful times
    • But don't be discouraged;
    • its like that whole temtation thing.
    • very hard for me I just slept for three day and after that all the nicotine is out your body and it should be alto easier to quit
    • I have heard it can take up to four attempts
    • Wonder how your child got asthma?
    • I quit recently with the support of my husband and coworkers.
    • You have all the good reasons to QUIT smoking, especially the one for your child.
    • Congratulations! It's a mental thing.
    • DECIDE to quit and stay with that decision.
    • Identify the cravings (when you must have that stick), be strong and avoid them.
    • Once you break the habit/pattern, it is easy.
    • You never get over wanting a smoke, but many people are able to overcome that.
    • Hard for some, like me.
    • huge effort - took me 3 times to quit
    • THINK OF YOUR child everytime you want to smoke.
    • don't know, never tried.i'm 2yrs into my 5th decade of smoking.
    • Pretty easy if you're really willing to quit.
    • no...my boyfriend quit cold turkey!!! I was so proud of him
    • It’s pretty hard for some people… maybe not as hard for others.
    • Well let's see...I quit smoking when I got pregnant
    • Its difficult, but you have some very valid reasons to quit.
    • My friend stopped smoking by using the patch.
    • Been there..................I stopped and started 3 times. Reason, I enjoyed smoking.
    • yes quitting is hard especally the first 3 weeks but the best way to do it is, to wake tomorrow and just not smoke any more.
    • damn near impossible
    • I am 28 years and have smoked for 14 years. I have lost both of my parents, my father to throat cancer 15 years ago and my mom to lung cancer 3 months ago. After watching both my parents die from smoking i decided it was time to quit.

    May 07, 2008

    Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

    Cold Turkey means you decide one day you don't want to smoke anymore.

    It is not the same as trying to quit smoking.

    It is all about QUIT NOW this moment.

    You need to realize all along that smoking is not only unhealthy but ouotright stupid as far as you body and your bank account is concerned.

    The reason why you're smoking is because of the emotional baggage you're carrying with you. Throw the emotional baggage and you will have no problem quiting smoking.
    That's right you've read correctly.

    If you STOP taking any drug to stop quiting then you're not really quiting are you? You're just supplementing cigarettes with another means.

    These so called smoking replacements to help you quit are not really meant to help you quit. They are meant to take hold of your life and keep you attached to the addiction by supplementing your habits with another means.

    The only way to quit for good is to change your lifestyle. Get you head around this first and then start eating helthy food - no processed but pure vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains - all natural. We smoke because we push ourselves into an artificial world of processed living.

    Smoking is 99% emotional attachment - what this means is that it is psychological. It is your mind telling you that it feels good to smoke because it is putting a smoke screen between your problems (which may not even be a problem in itself if you start analyzing it) and you. Smoking is only a false smoke screen.

    That is what smoking is all about - putting you into a smoky haze telling you all your problems are good where in reality your life is further into the **** without realizing it and not solving the issues that you're facing. (Again, issues may a simple thing that just requires a little bit of thinking).

    Look at this video of a person who has one day quit cold turkey.


    May 06, 2008

    Why do some people Quit Smoking go back on the habit

    They don't give enought time for themselves to quit smoking for good.

    It does take time.

    They just have to realize that they are on track to quiting yet they think that it is not working.

    Well you're nearly there.

    It is the stage everyone goes through before totally committing to the decision. We are humans, we have tendency to rollback to our old habits but in time given the effort you will end up a non-smoker.

    Talk yourself out of it: "Tell the demons that want you to smoke to go away and leave you alone."

    Also, one should also look at their personal life.
    We smoke because something propells us toward it. We smoke because we have a problem and we are stressed out and we get retribution from smoking a cigarette.

    Also, look at other factors, fill your time with people you love to be with. Occupy yourself with things you like doing.
    Avoid stressfull situations that pull you into it.

    When one is trying to quit one needs to void oneself from activities that give rise to tension, anger, hate, anything of negativity.

    Hope some of the ideas here help you out.

    you are like the seed who is about to pop it's out of the ground. You're nearly there - keep at it - that is atleast 95% of the work already done.

    The bottom line is it's all a pschological thing. Control yourself and you will control all your human behaviour.



    April 30, 2008

    Smoking Demons in the ear whome wont let go...

    Over in Yahoo I answered a question for a would be Quitter. My answer was chosen as the best overall in that lot for

    Quit Smoking.

    There are demons who influence us. It is our demons whome we've created long time ago without realising that we have created them. It is time to say:

    DEMONS! Begone to SOurce, NOW!

    Say it with enough intend and drive them away as you feel the energy you put forward to send them to their home.

    Here's my answer from Yahoo answers to the question:

    hi..i am 25 years old and i have been smoking since i was 14..it has been many years..everyone tells me i should quit smoking..but the problem is that i am very very ugly..i couldnt find a girlfriend if i was alone in a room full of 100 women..trust me my face looks like gary busey and im overweight..i have acne scars..i have pretty much no money..i have a feeling i will live my life alone..yet ppl say "why dont you quit, dont u know you will live longer?" the thing is, i dont want to live into my 70's..smoking is one of the few satisfactions i find in my life..i now cancer is painful..i witnessed my grandmom die from it..but i dont want to live long and smoking decreases my chances of suffering for 80 years..im sorry if this depresses you, but in my world, life sucks! why should i quit smoking

    Here's what I had to say...

    Yeh right.

    The only thing you're lacking is self-confidence.

    Stop criticizing yourself, stop listening to people telling you how you look.

    Ge tin shape, do some sport, people who are serious about partners go beyond looking at facial features of a person.

    Stop comparing yourself to Brad Pitt, Tom Cru... etc

    No one is born perfect.

    Everyone has a gift,

    everyone has atleast one thing wrong with them.

    Get your self into "self Help" books.

    Go for it. You're young and too self criticizing. Stop that!

    You have a world in front of you to make something worthwhile - it is a challenge even to a normal looking fella to look into life and try to make something out of it,


    STOP EATING JUNK, get on a diet and eat plenty of fresh food that will boost your confidence,
    There is a saying:

    You are wht you eat!


    THESE 2 things cause lots of darkness to envelope oneself and bring in demons that yap yap into ones ears 24x7.

    April 25, 2008

    The Will to quit Smoking

    There is a fundamental problem for smokers and until they have overcome that one fundamental problem they cannot quit smoking.

    That fundament problem is the ability of oneself to have a WILL to quit smoking. Ones will to quit smoking is controlled by many factors as written above.

    Smoking is no different to any other addiction - it is life food - if you have a favorite food can you tell yourself to quit eating that for good. Well, it is hard unless one has a control over ones will.

    Control you will and don't give it away and you're home sweet home. A home run!

    It's that, a simple thing as a will.

    People don't realize that their will
    stands on their way of succeeding
    in quitting smoking.


    There you have it.

    Every problem in the UNIVERSE has a simple solution.

    God never meant to make things hard for us and complicated.

    It's MAN MADE

    Technorati Profile

    April 21, 2008

    Smoking for 2 years? Can it be cancer?

    A question was posed asking if you can get lung cancer after smoking just for 2 years.

    Here's what I think.

    Cancer is not written down just because you're smoking. Nothing is set in concrete and one cannot assume after so many years you will get a lung cancer.

    Smoking with poor diet (food) will increase the likelihood of getting cancer much earlier then that would have with good diet.

    Listen, it usually takes a good 10 years before smoking really screws you up. But it's not to say that you can just quit after 10 years.

    You see lung cancer is the final result of the many years of your body being poisoned slowly day by day.

    The minute you light a cigarette you do damage to your lungs. It is the build up of those years that eventuall cause cancer. But some people will develop lung cancer far earlier.

    If you have a strong will then it is time that you decide what's good for your future.

    If you think you have symptoms of lung cancer then you can also reverse it, especially if you're young. You can start eating healthy food to boost your immune system.

    Eat lots of green vegetables and fresh fruits and juice. Stay away from acidic food and stick to all things that are categorized as alcoline.

    Here's a place to start you on the right direction http://healing-cafe.com/diet/

    April 20, 2008

    What role dose diet play in a smokers life?

    Smoking not only deteriorates ones life but it also gives you bad
    health. The bad health also affects how you eat and drink that also
    adds further deterioration in ones life.

    Smokers build all sorts of nasty side affects and one of these is high
    blood pressure. Your blood pressure is not affected directly by smoking
    but by the foods that go with smoking. Life drinking and eating fast
    foods etc.

    If you have high blood pressure then you should really do something
    about the habit of smoking.

    If you're unable to quit smoking for now you can try these other
    necessity of life things:

    Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.
    Stop eating processed foods
    Stop drinking too much alcohol
    Remove soft-drinks from diet
    and drink plenty of water and fresh juices for a while.

    Living healthy:
    extends your life span
    and keeps you energetic
    and young

    compared to non-healthy eating and unhealthy lifestyles.


    Should we Outlaw Smoking?

    I am totally against smoking but we should not outlaw it nor put any laws stopping any person from indulging themselves in smoking.

    No, we should not outlaw or make it against the law for people to smoke.

    I am a non-smoker.

    Like all things - there shouldn't be anything against the law unless we hurt somebody.

    Smoking is like food in a way. When someone has enough of it they can't let it go.

    What we should really do is make Cigarette companies accountable for the "****" they put into smoking.

    Cigarettes are not 100% tobacco. They are mixed with many chemicals that are added deliberately by tobacco companies to inflict disease and addiction.

    The same companies that manufacture cigarettes also manufacture pharmaceutical drugs is gross.

    So, the answer is, we should not outlaw smoking. We should outlaw the making of cigarettes unlawfully.

    Smoking is bad for you though. That's for sure.

    April 18, 2008

    Quiting Naturally with Oxygen

    People who smoke and think that they are feeling good after smoking a cigarette are tricking themselves into believing that cigarettes make you feel good couldn't be futher than the truth.


    The words in it themselves tells it. It is a smoke for Christ Sake!

    Yes, indeed it's ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL. All smoking is psychological to a great extant.

    Your emotions play the games and your will succumbs to it.
    Control your will and you will controll all your lifes problems.

    Smoking doesn't make you feel good. It is the ACT of doing smoking that makes you feel good. It is not the smoke or the taste or the smoke that enters that make your feel good.

    Feeling good and feeling bad or any feeling for that matter of fact stems from the brain/mind. You have total control of it but for reasons unknown you fall under the spell of life sucking bad food and habits.

    Your feelings are all created in the mind.
    Instead of smoking do this just prior for a minute:

    Take long deep breaths - hold it for few seconds and then exhale slowly for long as you can. You are getting energy from the the oxygen deep into your lungs that are full of life giving force and at the same time exhaling the much that come out of your lungs. Do about 5 of these and you will feel better.

    Now, let me ask you did you take any external products of any kind within this minute - NO, ofcourse not. The only thing that's required to energize you and make you feel full and happy is OXYGEN.

    Propper breathing is another method to kick the habit. Try it and you will see changes in your health.

    Why do we smoke? What is the solution?

    You try to quit, you do it, and in no time you come back on it.

    Have you asked yourself why this is happening.

    You're obviously quiting but you come back for some reason.

    There is a reason for this and that has nothing to do with being unable to quit and staying quit. It is to do with your will and your emotions. Your emotions control your life. Take control of your emotions and you will take control of your smoking habits.

    Smoking is really a substitute for your emotional downs and it relieves them temporarily. That is the reason why you started in the first place. Ask yourself what it solves by smoking.

    You're probably having anxiety moments in your life that push you back into smoking.

    Solve your emotional problems and you will solve your smoking habits/addiction. It is that simple.

    The solution is usually simpler than what you think, but humans have grown numb they look for complex solutions to simple problems.

    You see smoking is a simple problem because it is easy to start and get yourself addicted to it in no time. The reasons are clear and simple. Your emotions as I said above. Control your emotions and you will end up controlling your life to a better life.

    April 15, 2008

    Quit Smoking Advice Video

    This is a must see video for all you smokers out there. If this bloke can do it so can you.

    Smoking while pregnant increases the risk of developing heart defects in unborn child

    Smoking is bad for let alone smoking during a pregnancy. New studies show the risk of developing heart disease in unborn child is not only horrific but also can be avoided.

    Smoking increases the risk of heart defects among babies whose mothers smoke during the first trimester.

    An Utah researcher has found women who had babies with certain heart defects were more likely to have smoked in early pregnancy.

    The risk of birth defects is highest for women who smoked more than 25 cigarettes a day.

    It is no wonder that we have more children born of diseases then ever in the history of mankind. Yet we continue creating new humans that will end up in medical ques looking for a doctor to cure them and all along a life full of agony could have been avoided only if the the mother of the person was sensible enough to look after herself and her unborn child during and directly after pregnancy.

    April 14, 2008

    Confused about Smoking Addiction

    Here's a question from a Young smoker at "Yahoo Answers":

    Smoking bad ?!?
    why do people find smoking so much worse than alcohol.i'm sixteen and ive come home drunk lots of timesand my parents know but they don't make a big dealTHEY FIND ONE STOG and they go nutswtf.this is so stupid i dont smoke on a regular basis i just had it cuz i was going to smoke it but im not addicted or anything;alsdjf;lsakdjf;laskjdf

    Because smoking is puplicized more than alcohol. With alcohol you can kill others but with smoking you will kill yourself. That's the main reasoning behind it.

    Also, YOUR PARENTS THINK ABOUT YOU - in a way that is their way of saying we LOVE YOU. Each parent is different and some sit down and explain things where as others would go start from the deep end by getting angry.

    Treat people who talk with anger as being unable to communicate their feelings in a loving way. That's all.

    Also, parents know a lot more than there children when it comes to smoking. So be a great kid and just listen to them and see what they have to say, give them a chance to express themselves.

    The lessons of life are in many places and in this occassion you both will benefit by giving each other a chance to hear the other side out. Look at it this way in a few years down the track none of this would matter.

    You are living your history.

    Change your history to create your perfect future.

    The choices we make today affect us in our future lives.

    Addiction is mostly a psychological thing. It is the pychological barrier one needs to pass before becoming addicted.

    The will has to be strong in order to not be addicted to smoking.

    April 10, 2008

    Parents Smoking next to children

    Recently I was over at Yahoo answers answering a question for a concerned parent about her husband smoking next to their 14 year old step son. Here's the story and my reply.

    Dad smoking cigars w/ 14 y.o son?
    I am wondering what other people think about a situation. We know that my step son whom is 14 that we are raising has smoked cigarettes for a couple years now. Recently my husband whom smokes cigars has began to smoke with him outside of course...I think that it is wrong and it is encouraging my son to smoke more. My son's counsellor does not really approve of it, but told me to leave this one alone because my husband and my step son are having some much needed bonding time out side when they do this. My step son will not stop smoking anyways, but I just think it is wrong. What do you think?

    My Answer was like this:

    Yes, indeed a tough one. It has always been the parents jobs to be a role model for their children.

    A 14 year old does not necessarily know the real consequences of smoking and if he did then he surely is not paying any attention to it's consequences in later life.We all know smoking does not kill you straight away but in time it will do the damage. In this situation the husband should be told (by you ofcourse or by some other authority with respect) not to smoke in the presence of the child by setting an example for the child. This would be the best choice for both the father and the child and ofcourse you as well who is also a passive smoker if your husband smokes near you.

    We learn from others by duplicating their behaviours and using them as role models. The job here is for your husband to start realizing that smoking is unhelathy and the best time to end the addiction.

    This is a moment and a chance for your husband to kick the habit by hitting 3 birds with one stone.As I said you're the 3rd smoker in the sense that you probably smoke passively.

    Goodluck with your life and emphasize to your husband that he needs to realize the responsibilities of being a parent. The feelings of being a parent are much greater than the feeling one gets from smoking. Greater good awaits your family.Cheers.

    Dreadful Statistics on Smoking

    Smoking kills many people each year than any other disease.

    90% of lung cancer deaths 80%-90% of emphysema and chronic bronchitis deaths are attributed to smoking.

    On average 1 out of 4 men and 1 out of 5 women smoke.

    Roughly 1.3 billion people in the world that smoke not to mention those other countless number of people who are secondary smokers (people who breath in the smoke of others). About 1/5 of all young people will end up smoking.

    It is currently responsible for approximately 5million deaths each year. If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause some 10 million deaths each year by 2030. Half the people that smoke today -thatis about 650 million people - will eventually be killed by tobacco smoking.
    5 Million divided by 365x24x60 = 9.5 people each minute.

    It is estimated that tobacco causes 8.8 percent of deaths globally. Thatis the equivalent to roughly 5 million people per year or 13,500 per day or 9.5 per minute.

    Over 15 billion cigarettes are smoked worldwide daily. The World HealthOrganization estimates that there are approximately 1.3 billion regular smokersin the world, about one-third of the global population aged 15 years andolder.

    Tobacco costs the global economy $200 billion (U.S. dollars) annually. So no tobacco company are going to shut down to save lives, not in anyones life time anyway.

    April 08, 2008

    Nutritional Facts about Smoking and Health

    To quit smoking is possible only by reducing the acidity of our body. Reducing the acidity of the body leeds to a better healthy body.

    What increases our body acidity?

    There are many factors but the main factor that cause acidity in our blood is the consumption of the wrong types of food, alcohol, drugs and the air that enter the human blood stream through the lungs.

    Another main factor that plays a role in preventing smoking is having faith.

    Careful research shows that people who have faith and perform their prayers like religious people, causes ones mind to indulge in more positive thoughts.

    Praying throws the negative feelings from the human brain, and keeps you self confident thus prevents nervousness. Because smoking is seen as a negative habit and considered in some places on earth as poison, a praying person feels better and needs not indulge in smoking.

    What about refined foods and too much of meat?

    Any consumption of meat increases the acidity of our body.

    By consuming natural foods and less meat your body will be well balanced.

    Refined foods are another nutritional food that one should be aware of:

    White flour products like white sandwiches, pizzas and cakes have almost no nutritional value and contain various chemical ingredients so as to have a better appearance, and full filling feeling.

    Instead of white wheat buy the whole wheat bread for making your own bread and pizza.

    White rice:

    polished rice without bran also loses all the vitamins, minerals and causes acidity in our metabolism. A better option is using natural branned rice.

    White sugar:

    Sugar and its derivatives like chocolates, ice creams, puddings and cakes are subject to many chemical applications untill they become refined and granulated which in turn cause acidity in the blood.

    Natural sugars exists in most fruits, some vegetables, and legumes. We can obtain natural sugars from legumes ,cereals, fruits and vegetables.

    Ready made vinegars, tomato pastes, soups, puddings, pickles, tinned vegetables are all non natural foods. They lack the energy needed to sustain a healthy body and mind.

    These types of processed foods have a high content of preservatives that add to the acidity in the blood.

    Margarines, refined edible oils are also in its application are unnatural and shouldn't really be consumed. Because of the refining processes like bleaching, deodorising and additives they end up very unnatural and not worthy of classifying them as food.

    Best alternative oils are cold pressed olive oil. Naturally occuring oils found in sesame seeds, coconut, groundnut, hazelnuts, peanuts, and walnuts can supplement all those processed foods. These oils are not only healthy they also taste better when added to your food.

    One should eat Avocado or peanut butter to supplement oneself in place of dairy butter products.

    Note that an inbalance of PH level in the blood causes diseases to start.
    Some bacteria and virus flourish in acidic blood and thus anything that causes acidity in the blood should be avoided.

    Instead of Tea, coffee, processed drinks like cordials, alcohol also increases the acidity of the blood.
    We should aim to drink more natural filtered water, natural mineral water, herbal teas and fresh fruit juices.

    All types of meat add to the acidity of the blood and meat should be consumed sparingly.

    There are altrenatives to obtaining proteins in ones diet instead of meat. Soybeans, legumes, beans, lentils, and eggs from hens not kept in captivity have natural occurring proteins that can add great taste and healthy giving properties to the human body.

    Too much consumption of animal products makes our body tired and sick and cause too much acidity in the blood. Too much acidity also kills our own blood cells that need to keep the whole system within in a natural state of equilibrium. Our immune system is compromised when our blood becomes acidic.

    Quiting smoking is not easy but it is possible if you give it a try.
    If you follow a good diet based on natural foods and very minimal intake of processed and fast foods then you can quit to a better life.

    A great video - a bit funny - short and sweet.

    This is great - it is short and thought provoking. Any dude can quit smoking. Please leave your comment once you see the video and tell us what you think.

    Quiting Smoking starts with you. The weakest chain is you! Consider these thoughts.

    Real People who are Quiting Smoking

    Here's some links here that show real people quiting smoking.

    A great guy Scottie Young and has a blog: http://skottieyoung.blogspot.com/2008/01/something-is-missing.html

    Quit Smoking

    I'm juming here into the deap about SMOKING!

    Is it that hard to quit smoking?

    Can it be done?

    Can one will oneself into believing that it is easy to quit?

    Will one stay off cigarettes once quiting?

    How many times does it take to quit smoking?

    Shit the list goes on and on.

    You see the hardest thing about quiting smoking is really


    So if you can persuade the only person, that is you to quit smoke and no one else then the job is basically a done deal.

    The only idiot one has to persuade to quit is you!

    Well persuading oneself is the hardest thing on this planet to do for those who are not smart and bright. If you're smart and bright then you can do it. Every person who reads these words is an intelligent being. That means you!

    You are bright and smart since you have come here to learn to quit smoking.

    Persuade one person in your life and the work is done 100% for good. You just have to work only only on one person in the whole wide world. YOU!

    Cravings, addiction, all the other terms that describe ones addiction is all psychological. If we give our POWER to the cravings then we are giving away our WILL to make our own decisions in life. In other words, we are giving ourselfs to other things or other people to tell us what to do and not do in life. Don't let others decide for you, START deciding for yourself and make those healthy decisions for your body and your health.


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