April 25, 2008

The Will to quit Smoking

There is a fundamental problem for smokers and until they have overcome that one fundamental problem they cannot quit smoking.

That fundament problem is the ability of oneself to have a WILL to quit smoking. Ones will to quit smoking is controlled by many factors as written above.

Smoking is no different to any other addiction - it is life food - if you have a favorite food can you tell yourself to quit eating that for good. Well, it is hard unless one has a control over ones will.

Control you will and don't give it away and you're home sweet home. A home run!

It's that, a simple thing as a will.

People don't realize that their will
stands on their way of succeeding
in quitting smoking.


There you have it.

Every problem in the UNIVERSE has a simple solution.

God never meant to make things hard for us and complicated.


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