June 21, 2008

How to achieve a better life stopping smoking

Any life is better then a smokers life full stop. Ok, maybe not all life - but certainly health wise, a non-smoker is in a better condition to talk about this.  Right? Yes.

Life becomes more colorful and full of life when you remove the smoke from ones life.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the above statement.  Smoking dulls ones life, it introduces burden of frustration and misery to ones life.  It robs you of your light and creative faculties. It robs you of your wealth!

Trying to quit smoking can be a hard task for many.  Not many people will be ready to just quit yet.  Quiting first starts within ones mind. The mind is the faculty that controls out earthly behaviours.  The mind is a like the river that flows.  If you don't direct the river it will flow anywhere where the ground slopes. Control your inner river and you will control your habits - and in turn control your smoking addiction or whatever the addiction may be.

Introduce the notion of quiting to your mind today and make it the start of the end of your smoking career.

You see smoking is not only a health problem but, you as an individual,  subside companies to stay in business to create smoking products for you that are draining the vital energy from you - either through your money or through your health. Regardlesss of what you loose the end result is that the dreams that are part of your life are slowly taken away from you. When you consider in money terms that is a large sum of money and over a decade of smoking that is absolutely a ridiculous sum that just brings tears to my eyes. Smoking robs you of your life - fullstop!  Even after you stop smoking you are still paying the price.  The buck does not stop there.  It is now the established medical world that will start to suck you dry until you've become are living chemical junk box reduced to sub-human form - with every day dimishing light in your eyes.

Maybe not! Perhaps, I was too harsh here. Just maybe you'll decide to quit smoking before your life deteriates far enough for you to make a comeback and start a fresh.

My friend, you see there is "NEVER" a too late thing in Life.   Even a heavy smoker can come back into full health.  Most things in life can be repaired and turned back!

It all starts with you and the way you think. 


Anonymous said...

Smoking can hook you because cigarettes contain nicotine which is highly addictive. But being hooked is not an excuse why you cannot quit smoking. Smoking has been proven by several researches to be great threat to one's health that is why there is no reason why one who is already hooked to it should not quit smoking. http://www.besthealthmed.com/quit_smoking.html

Unknown said...

I have got a good life after quit smoking. Really I have suffered a lot because of smoking. later my friend advised me to try hypnosis and suggest Thoughts Become Reality - Hypnosis,stop smoking. They provided good hypnotheraphy and various hypnosis sessation for various problems. They helped me to increase my self confidence and self control.


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