January 25, 2009

Addictions Generate Big Money for Companies

Hey, welcome!

This is horrific. Look at the graph below and tell me what you see. It is an industry making money for the scum of this world. Yes, scum of this world.

These soulless people who push these poisonous and addictive things into people should all be taken off-world and placed in a  black-hole.

Seriously folks this is crazy.  We live in a world where poisoning our brothers and sisters seems to be fine. The governments of the world are turning a blind eye to all this while our children, parents and grand parents feed themselves these addictive and poisonous crap into their bodies.

I am so sick to see all this displayed here like this.

  • According to Forbes.com the 5 most expensive addictions to the US with an estimated annual cost in terms of treatment expense and loss of productivity are alcohol ($166 billion), smoking ($157 billion), drugs $110 billion, over-eating ($107 billion) and gambling ($40 billion).

Most expensive addictions

It's all money money and more money for the dealers. They've captured humanities spirit in a never ending cycle of death.

Shame on those who think smoking is a great thing and the same goes to those of other addictive substance abusers. Even being fat is considered an addictive trait. If only all those fat people of the planet can spare a dinner or two per week to those affilicted with starvation in one of our poor countries who have no money to feed its citizens.

Go to hell! This planet is in a worse state!



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