Answers people gave to "how hard it is to quit smoking?"
- It's a piece of cake...when you finally put your mind to it.
- Try transcendental meditation
- Hard as hell.
- The first year is horrible
- Its hard. Work your way up to it.
- just because you quit smoking wont mean you live longer...
- i quit cold turkey where as my husband has tried to quit three unsuccessful times
- But don't be discouraged;
- its like that whole temtation thing.
- very hard for me I just slept for three day and after that all the nicotine is out your body and it should be alto easier to quit
- I have heard it can take up to four attempts
- Wonder how your child got asthma?
- I quit recently with the support of my husband and coworkers.
- You have all the good reasons to QUIT smoking, especially the one for your child.
- Congratulations! It's a mental thing.
- DECIDE to quit and stay with that decision.
- Identify the cravings (when you must have that stick), be strong and avoid them.
- Once you break the habit/pattern, it is easy.
- You never get over wanting a smoke, but many people are able to overcome that.
- Hard for some, like me.
- huge effort - took me 3 times to quit
- THINK OF YOUR child everytime you want to smoke.
- don't know, never tried.i'm 2yrs into my 5th decade of smoking.
- Pretty easy if you're really willing to quit.
- boyfriend quit cold turkey!!! I was so proud of him
- It’s pretty hard for some people… maybe not as hard for others.
- Well let's see...I quit smoking when I got pregnant
- Its difficult, but you have some very valid reasons to quit.
- My friend stopped smoking by using the patch.
- Been there..................I stopped and started 3 times. Reason, I enjoyed smoking.
- yes quitting is hard especally the first 3 weeks but the best way to do it is, to wake tomorrow and just not smoke any more.
- damn near impossible
- I am 28 years and have smoked for 14 years. I have lost both of my parents, my father to throat cancer 15 years ago and my mom to lung cancer 3 months ago. After watching both my parents die from smoking i decided it was time to quit.