May 19, 2008

How hard it is to quit smoking? Here's what people had to say...

Answers people gave to "how hard it is to quit smoking?"

  • It's a piece of cake...when you finally put your mind to it.
  • Try transcendental meditation
  • Hard as hell.
  • The first year is horrible
  • Its hard. Work your way up to it.
  • just because you quit smoking wont mean you live longer...
  • i quit cold turkey where as my husband has tried to quit three unsuccessful times
  • But don't be discouraged;
  • its like that whole temtation thing.
  • very hard for me I just slept for three day and after that all the nicotine is out your body and it should be alto easier to quit
  • I have heard it can take up to four attempts
  • Wonder how your child got asthma?
  • I quit recently with the support of my husband and coworkers.
  • You have all the good reasons to QUIT smoking, especially the one for your child.
  • Congratulations! It's a mental thing.
  • DECIDE to quit and stay with that decision.
  • Identify the cravings (when you must have that stick), be strong and avoid them.
  • Once you break the habit/pattern, it is easy.
  • You never get over wanting a smoke, but many people are able to overcome that.
  • Hard for some, like me.
  • huge effort - took me 3 times to quit
  • THINK OF YOUR child everytime you want to smoke.
  • don't know, never tried.i'm 2yrs into my 5th decade of smoking.
  • Pretty easy if you're really willing to quit.
  • boyfriend quit cold turkey!!! I was so proud of him
  • It’s pretty hard for some people… maybe not as hard for others.
  • Well let's see...I quit smoking when I got pregnant
  • Its difficult, but you have some very valid reasons to quit.
  • My friend stopped smoking by using the patch.
  • Been there..................I stopped and started 3 times. Reason, I enjoyed smoking.
  • yes quitting is hard especally the first 3 weeks but the best way to do it is, to wake tomorrow and just not smoke any more.
  • damn near impossible
  • I am 28 years and have smoked for 14 years. I have lost both of my parents, my father to throat cancer 15 years ago and my mom to lung cancer 3 months ago. After watching both my parents die from smoking i decided it was time to quit.

May 07, 2008

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey means you decide one day you don't want to smoke anymore.

It is not the same as trying to quit smoking.

It is all about QUIT NOW this moment.

You need to realize all along that smoking is not only unhealthy but ouotright stupid as far as you body and your bank account is concerned.

The reason why you're smoking is because of the emotional baggage you're carrying with you. Throw the emotional baggage and you will have no problem quiting smoking.
That's right you've read correctly.

If you STOP taking any drug to stop quiting then you're not really quiting are you? You're just supplementing cigarettes with another means.

These so called smoking replacements to help you quit are not really meant to help you quit. They are meant to take hold of your life and keep you attached to the addiction by supplementing your habits with another means.

The only way to quit for good is to change your lifestyle. Get you head around this first and then start eating helthy food - no processed but pure vegetables and fruits, nuts and grains - all natural. We smoke because we push ourselves into an artificial world of processed living.

Smoking is 99% emotional attachment - what this means is that it is psychological. It is your mind telling you that it feels good to smoke because it is putting a smoke screen between your problems (which may not even be a problem in itself if you start analyzing it) and you. Smoking is only a false smoke screen.

That is what smoking is all about - putting you into a smoky haze telling you all your problems are good where in reality your life is further into the **** without realizing it and not solving the issues that you're facing. (Again, issues may a simple thing that just requires a little bit of thinking).

Look at this video of a person who has one day quit cold turkey.

May 06, 2008

Why do some people Quit Smoking go back on the habit

They don't give enought time for themselves to quit smoking for good.

It does take time.

They just have to realize that they are on track to quiting yet they think that it is not working.

Well you're nearly there.

It is the stage everyone goes through before totally committing to the decision. We are humans, we have tendency to rollback to our old habits but in time given the effort you will end up a non-smoker.

Talk yourself out of it: "Tell the demons that want you to smoke to go away and leave you alone."

Also, one should also look at their personal life.
We smoke because something propells us toward it. We smoke because we have a problem and we are stressed out and we get retribution from smoking a cigarette.

Also, look at other factors, fill your time with people you love to be with. Occupy yourself with things you like doing.
Avoid stressfull situations that pull you into it.

When one is trying to quit one needs to void oneself from activities that give rise to tension, anger, hate, anything of negativity.

Hope some of the ideas here help you out.

you are like the seed who is about to pop it's out of the ground. You're nearly there - keep at it - that is atleast 95% of the work already done.

The bottom line is it's all a pschological thing. Control yourself and you will control all your human behaviour.




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